Domino's Pizza w Edison

Stany ZjednoczoneDomino's Pizza



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2058, New Jersey 27, 08817, Edison, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-572-1441
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5242955, Longitude: -74.3893406

komentarze 5

  • Vikash Ranjan

    Vikash Ranjan


    You should try this store hand toast pizza. It’s really very good.

  • Mya Jinx

    Mya Jinx


    I order about 45 minutes ago and waited for them to deliver. After waiting 20 minutes for the food to deliver, as the tracker said it was on its way and the drive takes about 10 minutes or less depending on traffic. I called the place and they said that they went to my place and no one answered. I didn't receive any phone calls from the driver or saw the drive approach my apartment building. I called back and asked for the order to be cancelled. So far, I haven't received a online receipt saying that my order has been cancelled and I will get a full refund. Very disappointed at this Domino's.

  • Jun



    Stay away from this Dominos. Ordered a pizza, wings, and pasta and it was just bad compared to the Dominos in Kendall Park, where I used to live near by. When I order from this place for the first time, I thought it would be the same but I can’t believe how much of a difference in quality there is between the two. Only reason I give it a 2 star was because the chocolate fudge brownie taste the same.

  • Macie Robertson

    Macie Robertson


    The food is always fresh, hot and prepared well. But I think the prices get a little ridiculously high at times. It is pizza for God's sake, not a Michelin star restaurant with Wolfgang Puck.

  • en



    Only ordered because I had a Groupon online. Placed it early this morning for a lunch pickup. Online tells me the Groupon can't be used for future order, then when I get to the store they say the Groupon can only be used online. Plus I bought the lunch deal so couldn't use it anyway. Very inconvenient. Now another reason to get my pizza elsewhere. Plus the girl ringing me up seemed more interested in a phone call she just got than the customer.

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