Dollar Tree w Portland

Stany ZjednoczoneDollar Tree



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6868, Southeast Foster Road, 97206, Portland, Multnomah County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 503-772-3423
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.4875171, Longitude: -122.5933653

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lay Anne Kayne


    It's honestly perfect!!!! It's convenient & it's kept clean. The people that work there are AMAZING. They get to know you. It's the ideal little neighborhood store in an ideal location

  • en

    ruby k


    As a customer that has been frequently coming to this dollar store over the span of 7+ years, I can whole heartedly say that I am disatisfied and disappointed in the continued lack of customer service and etiquette by the employees. I had a terrible experience at this location and I am mortified that your employees cannot fufil a simple request such as "split transactions." And that they will even lash out on a customer in front of other's. I will give you 2/5 stars until management teaches their employees to talk to customers with common sense and not the rudeness and intolerance I have experienced today. Will shop the other location until the atmosphere changes.

  • en

    David Walker


    Always a good time shopping at the Dollar Tree. The customers who shop there are a good, friendly and polite group of people. It is a big store with a great variety of things. I went in to get a simple clear 2 cup measuring cup for $1.00 and ended up spending $16.00. So many great bargains. A couple of my favorite items at Dollar Tree are Prune Juice 16 oz bottle $1.00, mugs that look like canning jars $1.00, styluses for smart phone or tablets $1.00.

  • Kenlly Leyva

    Kenlly Leyva


    Aqui estan los mejores precios, y todo de primera

  • en



    NOT the cleanest store, and despite my interactions, I have witnessed repeated consternation with management from the employees. Is working at The Dollar Tree anyone's deepest dream? Probably not. But the staff here is unhappy. The products are typical of the chain. The selection is good. Nearest one to my house. So I will be back. But I don't understand the management issues.

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