Dollar Tree en Commack

Estados UnidosDollar Tree



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5014, Jericho Turnpike, 11725, Commack, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-493-4725
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.839956, Longitude: -73.312173

comentarios 5

  • en

    Judi Walling


    "I've always loved Sketchers, especially when they have their BOGO sale, which they are having right now. Got boots and sneakers for myself and my daughter for less than $100!!!

  • en

    Eric San Jose


    Nice location with a Friendly Staff. Easy to see right off of Jericho Turnpike servicing Northport, Dix Hills, Commack and the adjoining areas of Suffolk County. Plenty of parking and a wheel chair accessible entrance. Clean facilities. Reasonably priced. We will definitely be going back. Great for you quick shopping needs.

  • Wroship God

    Wroship God


    This is an amazing place. And the workers are so joyful and you can find everything you need

  • en

    jaswinder singh


    Easy to locate this store and big parking lot so parking is not a issue, They have large variety of products with reasonable prices. Went last week to buy birthday balloons , they charge only $1.00 for each balloon, same balloon you will get out side for at least $3.00- $4.00 . Staff is also very helpful. will visit again.

  • chris bono

    chris bono


    They had quite a variety of products and that I'm greatful for. However, one of the employees working there had quite an attitude that was less than welcoming. She was slamming things around and using fowl language while restocking items on the shelves. Not sure what issues may have been at present but it is counterproductive to the hard work and great job other employees have been doing at the same location. I did get excellent customer service from another employee at the location. I felt bad for her knowing that she had been doing such an excellent job and yet her fellow coworker is working against her efforts. A bit of professionalism other workers may have to develop hopefully before its too late.

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