Dollar Tree w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDollar Tree



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2182, 3rd Avenue, 10035, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-289-0111
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8001394, Longitude: -73.9388291

komentarze 5

  • Juelles Chester

    Juelles Chester


    This is an awesome Dollar Tree. Looks new from the outside, clean store inside. Great place to pick up the basics and nice selection of other stuff. Will definitely return.

  • Ms. F. Wright

    Ms. F. Wright


    Great place for my craft supplies. Wish they would increase their product diversity. The manager should look at YouTube videos on what new items are coming out 😀. Staff are helpful and pleasant.

  • Manny Peralta

    Manny Peralta


    Better than other dollar trees I have been to. Cashiers were fast despite the long line.

  • Doctor Crummy

    Doctor Crummy


    I was surprised to see how high this is rated on google. Maybe it was just a bad day but there were carts blocking all the aisles and products. There were also only 3 registers open and the line was so long it wrapped around the store. I know it’s a discount store but that doesn’t mean it has to be dirty. The store is very dirty and put together very poorly. Like another commenter said it looks like a hurricane blew through the store. Giving two stars instead of one because the employees were nice.

  • en

    Carmen Ramirez


    So Many Items everything at actually $1. Lots of items to choose from. I go to spend a few dollars and always leave with bags of stuff. Can't go wrong because you will pay so much more elsewhere. Love this store

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