Dollar Tree en New York

Estados UnidosDollar Tree



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2114, Coyle Street, 11229, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-332-3605
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6003985, Longitude: -73.9373935

comentarios 5

  • A.P. Rodriguez

    A.P. Rodriguez


    Lots of stuff and no matter what it is, it's only a dollar. Give it a try, you'll always find something you could use.

  • J L

    J L


    Not much there, if you have limited needs for household items this store is worth a visit. They also have helium balloons.

  • en

    Rita Newsome


    The items you find in this store is remarkable! I love a bargain and Dollar tree is my bargain central. Never had any issues with anything I've brought from there. Glad to have one a couple of blocks away!

  • en

    Melanie Hernandez


    I love it.They have very cheap stuff.Legit everything is 1 dollar.They have food detergent toys and party supplies.I bought part supplies and ice cream and chips and baking stuff.They even have balloons there for a dollar.You should definetely go.

  • ru

    Cell Tech


    Магазин не плохой,но нет ценников на товарах ,приходится все спрашивать

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