Doggies' Den Grooming w Dumont

Stany ZjednoczoneDoggies' Den Grooming



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130, West Shore Avenue, 07628, Dumont, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-387-1227
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9442873, Longitude: -73.9952459

komentarze 5

  • blanca burgos

    blanca burgos


    I love this place is friendly staff and great service thank you so much for the service you give to my princess...❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • en

    Jessica Jay


    I took my puppy peanut there and I told them what hair cut I preferred (which was a bit complicated) but they delivered just that!! I love the open space that they have for her to just run everywhere! The staff was amazing & kind. You can tell that they love all the fur friends that come here. I’ve never been so pleased with a groomers until now!! Highly recommend to everyone & the prices are amazing as well!! If I could rate higher than a 5 I defenitely would’ve!

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    Robert Sandev


    I took my small Maltese there for grooming. To my greatest surprise and disappointment, he was attacked, scratched and blooded on his neck by another dog. The place has no safety measures and all pets are kept in one place. Obviously there is no staff to watch the pets in such environment. This is highly hazardous environment for the pets. I would not recommend the place until they implement proper safety measures.

  • Michelle Acosta

    Michelle Acosta


    Great service! Very friendly staff and great with your pet. Honest, efficient, and prices are affordable.

  • en

    Karen Ruggiero


    I took my dog Melvin to Doggies’ Den Grooming for the first time today from a recommendation of a friend of mine and I couldn’t be happier with the results. The place is clean, inviting to both fur babies and owners..there’s a gated play area for the dogs and cats to run around while they’re waiting. The staff is very friendly and professional- you can tell they’re all animal lovers. Most importantly, the service was quick and prices were right. He left with a smile on his face, a new Christmas bandana, and some treats for later! We will be repeat customers. Thanks Doggies’ Den! ❤️

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