Dog Haus Biergarten San Diego en San Diego

Estados UnidosDog Haus Biergarten San Diego



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969, Ninth Avenue, 92101, San Diego, San Diego County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 619-501-6668
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.7154403, Longitude: -117.1564758

comentarios 5

  • Robert Rael

    Robert Rael


    Love this place for a good hamburger. It's in downtown so we usually park in the pay parking lot across the street. Good beers, good hot dogs, though I haven't tried one and great hamburgers on Hawaiian bread buns. During lunch time on the weekend, this place is usually pretty quiet. Give them a shot!

  • Jessica Leyva

    Jessica Leyva


    Really good brauts and sausages. The customer service is fast and the food is always tasty. I really like coming here after work on my short days, and grabbing a beer. Can't wait to try the chili cheese tater tots next!

  • en

    Dominique Johnson


    Highly recommend! This place some seriously tasty hot dogs! fast and friendly service.

  • Josh Macias

    Josh Macias


    I first went to this place up in LA. They finally moved to san diego & I'm really glad they did. I was waiting for them. The food is great & using the Hawaiian rolls for their bread makes the food that much better. The hangover burger is awesome. Fried egg & bacon with Hawaiian roll bread tastes amazing. The bacon wrapped hot dogs are also really good. I recommend this place to all my friends. Now a lot of them are hooked on this place. They never heard of this place & they're really glad I brought them here.

  • Jake Fortier

    Jake Fortier


    This place has some amazing food. Their buns, both for hotdogs and hamburgers, are just like King's Hawaiian rolls and that makes them that much better. Went for a burger and ended up getting even more. They also have a great selection of craft beers on tap, and I've always had good service experiences there. If you're looking for an easy place for a burger and beer this is the stop for you.

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