DJM Laundry Services w Coram

Stany ZjednoczoneDJM Laundry Services



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
1, Glenmere Lane, 11727, Coram, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-642-9274
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8928391, Longitude: -73.0147411

komentarze 5

  • en

    tracey fettinger


    Clean laundromat. Lots of washers and dryers. Also free drying too.

  • en

    dominick galante


    Place is clean machines are great and best part is no quarters needed you use a card

  • Vee Pee

    Vee Pee


    Management should be checking their machines as often. Most of the washers stop in the middle of washing clothes and their dispensers are usually clogged up with either water or bleach from the previous person who used them. I had to switch from one washer to another just so I could get my clothes properly washed because the first one stopped working. Some of their dryers also stop working in the middle of drying so clothes tend to smell when left unattended. These did not only happen once but many times since I've been doing laundry in this place. I suggest that they should upgrade or do some sort of maintenance with their machines. Doing so will save us, customers, a lot of time.

  • Connor Dempsey

    Connor Dempsey


    Big spaces with lots of machines to use. Great drying method, the weight you wash you get free in drying. Great hours, open late and 24 hours some days. I work nights and my wife works early in the morning so these hours mean a lot to us. Great laundry place, it's our go to.

  • en

    Bonnie Forbes


    excellent service and very quick turn around. Dee has been doing my laundry and has been doing an exceptional job.

najbliższy Pralnia

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