Diva Nail Salon i Nutley

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180, Kingsland Street, 07110, Nutley, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-542-0100
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Latitude: 40.8286354, Longitude: -74.1498709

kommentar 5

  • en

    Evelina Dimitri


    Terrible service! Very rude, I have never experienced anything like this. I came and asked for oval shape nails, the woman did them square, when I asked her to correct she became irritable, ROLLED HER EYES right in front of me, then she handed me the file and said "If you don't like it then do it yourself"!!!!!!!!!! I was shocked to hear that, but I said if I wanted to do it myself I would not come to the nail salon, so she started rushing as if she wanted to get done with it. OMG! This is a salon where they do your nails THEIR way, not the way you ask. Then she begun speaking her language, very irritated in front of me. The worst customer service ever, stay clear of this salon. Never again

  • en

    Clara S.


    Workers of this salon have no clue about customer service. I did not believe the reviews and I regret, it's true they are such rude and ignorant people, working with customers, providing services!!! How is that even possible?! I could have done my nails better at home. Don't waste your time and money.

  • Isabel Grace

    Isabel Grace


    This is the worst nail place I’ve ever been to. I got gel nails there and they are supposed to last at least 2 weeks. And I am completely serious 2 nails chipped not even within 24 hours. I was very disappointed so I went back to ask if they would redo those nails, so they did so. Except, two day after that another nail chipped! I went back again for them to redo it because I payed $30 for that awful manicure. Anyway, they did them all again but the lady just kept laughing that happened and didn’t even apoligize once! Anyway, I am never going back there even if that’s the last nail place on the entire world.

  • Ashley P

    Ashley P


    Based on when I made the appointment, the lady was very rude. One of the workers where doing my nails and didn't seem to know what she was doing. She kept messing up and having to take everything off and restart. When the lady next to us was done working on the other persons nails she helps the lady finish mine. We where there for almost two hours. I don't recommend this Diva Nails because the workers are very inpatient and just rude.

  • Adrian Crespo

    Adrian Crespo


    It started off well until I asked to get a clear coat for a manicure. I felt like they were very judgemental of a man getting a clear coat with a manicure. They made me feel a little uncomfortable when they started speaking their language so I wouldn't understand. I was in a rush and they had no one so I tried this place but it would be the first and last time I go here.

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