Discount Tire w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneDiscount Tire



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3835, South Maryland Parkway, 89119, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-794-4338
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1188299, Longitude: -115.1380319

komentarze 5

  • en

    Adan Solis


    The service here was great. Honestly, I tired 4 different places for a better price. The only people able to beat their price were themselves when I asked for a discount.

  • Paco Sal

    Paco Sal


    Amazing service. Always willing to help even if you don't buy tires from them

  • en

    John Knight III


    Came in with a screw in my tire and the place was pretty empty. They said it would take an hour which is fine. Ended up taking 2 hours while new people walked in and got taken care of and left before my car was even taken in. I would never go to this location again and I don't know if the warranty is even worth it because they sure don't care here. This wasn't even alright the way I got pushed back while new customers were taken care of.

  • Kim Fegette

    Kim Fegette


    I bought 4 tires for my truck 5 yrs ago at this store as I don't drive the truck all the time I didn't need much service on them but when I did want to get them rotated and have a slow leak fixed I tried to get it done at the store on Nellis I was less than pleased the guy gave me the run around and I didn't have a lot of time so I left. Then I tried a couple of more times to get the leak fixed to no avail. Finally I went back to this store and just wanted the tires rotated and they didn't want to do that because the leaky tire was wore funny and now didn't have enough tread for them to do it . I started to have a fit but then the guy told me he could find me another tire and fix my problem, I was very grateful

  • Cali Love

    Cali Love


    I've bought 4 new tires and rims, years ago. They didn't have the rims, in stock. They ordered them, and arrived maybe 1 week or so later. They do great work, they know what they're doing, that's for sure. Waiting area is kept clean. Restrooms, are kept clean as well. Staff is kind and listens, to your concerns

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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