Diamond Nail & Spa (Besides CVS) w Carmel Hamlet

Stany ZjednoczoneDiamond Nail & Spa (Besides CVS)



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1895, Old Route 6, 10512, Carmel Hamlet, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-306-7410
strona internetowej: diamond-nail-spa-inc.business.site
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.4132356, Longitude: -73.6696179

komentarze 5

  • Amanda Ingles

    Amanda Ingles


    Nick and Jenny come back!!! Not busy at all, not pleased wirh new owner or her work! Im here strictly for Dalia!

  • Tammy Drago

    Tammy Drago


    The worst experience. The woman (owner) cut my mails down short. Then broke one of my nails. Then with that electric nail file hit my engagement ring. I finay said something she called me crazy..i thought i was on some kind of television show. Horrible work horrible

  • en

    Addy Brown


    Nails chipped same day. Went back they fixed them and then broke again. Such a horrible experience.

  • en

    Google User


    Very friendly, but they used to be better in the past. I have been going here for years & used to love them. But recently since they have got new help they have gone down hill. I had called an made an appointment with either Nick or Jenny only & got neither of them even with an appointment. I got the newish guy who was exactly who I didn't want as he has screwed up my nails in the past. I left & not even by the time I got home my gel was lumpy and smudged on almost all 10 nails. The paint job he had done underneath the gel was not good & looks streaky. Also, I had an appointment for 3 & didn't get out of there until after 5 which is usual with them. It should not take over two hours. Along with that, they rush what they are doing to try & squeeze in more people. They definitely bite off more than they can chew. I'm extremely disappointed, they used to do so well! I think I have had my last straw with them & am going to try somewhere else

  • Susan Russo

    Susan Russo


    Best place in the Hudson Valley for nails. I always have compliments on my nails 😎. When pressed for time I have stopped into other salons. BUT I always need to go back to have Nick or Jenny fix poorly done fills.

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