Diamond Exchange, Blue Diamond w Lyndhurst

Stany ZjednoczoneDiamond Exchange, Blue Diamond



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546, New York Avenue, 07071, Lyndhurst, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-804-8383
strona internetowej: www.bluediamondcreations.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8120571, Longitude: -74.1196795

komentarze 5

  • Sil Via

    Sil Via


    My husband and I just went there to tighten the prongs of my wedding band and resize my engagement ring. The owners were very friendly and made us both feel comfortable. I needed a place where all the work with be done on premises while I wait. Too nervous about leaving my diamonds at any store. All work was done right in front of us. I’m definitely coming back to fix other jewelry and definitely purchase because from what I saw they seem to have a nice selection. I think if you are a little apprehensive about going into a jewelry store because it can be intimidating, give this one a try.

  • en

    Caleb Georges


    VERY SATISFYING!!! Patient and Professional Work. My Wife to Be is very happy with her Ring!!! -Caleb Georges

  • en

    Samantha Da Silva


    Tommy is the best! He is such an honest and caring man, always providing his customers with excellent service! He has great prices and beautiful high quality jewelry. I don't purchase jewelry anywhere else anymore since I started coming to Blue Diamond! He's a profound jeweler, always putting the customer first. He and his son are great, especially with repairs, cleaning and even resizing! Definitely recommend coming to Blue Diamond, there is no other jeweler in the area who takes the time to sit and work with their customers, educating them, providing GREAT customer service and ensuring that their shopping experience is a marvelous one. They truly care for their customers!

  • Lourdes V

    Lourdes V


    Blue Diamond Inc. owner Tommy is very honorable and honest man. My husband and I have been buying jewelry from him over over 25 years and never have we been disappointed. His prices are amazing. I hav a collection of Tiffany jewelry because of Timmy and my Husband owns several Rolex watches because his prices are very reasonable. I have referred family and friends. I really admired his sense of business. He is a great individual.

  • Delilah Magao

    Delilah Magao


    This place has awesome service and beautiful jewelry. I have been coming here for years and every time I even walk into another jewelry store I am quickly reminded why I only come here. Tommy has taken good care of my jewelry for years and I love the fact that he repairs and maintains my jewelry on site and in front of me. Great prices too!

najbliższy Jubiler

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