Diamond Collision-Amityville en Amityville

Estados UnidosDiamond Collision-Amityville


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199, Sunrise Highway, 11701, Amityville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-841-1600
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6879646, Longitude: -73.4152632

comentarios 5

  • Ian Freeburg

    Ian Freeburg


    Excellent service great work. I've been here more than I probably should be but would never choose anywhere else for collision work. Last experience: Dropped my car off Thursday for insurance adjuster inspection, had it back fixed Tuesday. New bumper cover and clean as a whistle. Mike and his guys take pride in their work. Definitely would recommend.

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    Victoria Valdes


    Diamond collision is absolutely amazing! I took my 2014 Nissan Sentra in about a week ago due to a dent in my bumper. It looks great, like it never happened. Mike's great and he's awesome at what he does! They even vacuumed and shined up my car before i picked it up. Best experience, by far!

  • Amanda Shelton

    Amanda Shelton


    Mike and his crew do nothing but amazing work. I just picked up my truck from Diamond Collision and it looks better than when I bought it! My family and I have brought every one of our vehicles here and will continue to do so. The time and effort truly shows!

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    Kelvin Sosa


    Diamond collision is the best ! Mike and his crew work really fast and well. They'll always keep you updated on the progress of your car. The detailing to your car that they do is spectacular. I love them and I'll definitely will recommended them to my friends and family.

  • zaneta alinska

    zaneta alinska


    I can't say enough good things about Mike and his team. The work on my car was flawless and my car came back looking brand new. They detailed my whole car as well. The work was done in a timely manner. I will definitely recommend Diamond Auto Collision to all my friends and family.

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