DFAC en El Paso

Estados UnidosDFAC



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Sheridan Road, 79906, El Paso, El Paso County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 31.8494802, Longitude: -106.3405715

comentarios 5

  • Garold Hans

    Garold Hans


    Some of the lines don't start cooking until after they open. It's like none of the cooks have ever worked with food before. Some table don't have salt or pepper. If I could I would give this place less than 1 star.

  • DeAngelo Harrison

    DeAngelo Harrison


    Excellent cuisine. The finest of culinary experts prepare each dish to be served quickly and tastefully!!!

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    Cole Childers


    It's never too busy here or long lines unless there's an entire unit leaving for the field. The food is decent in my opinion, and the staff is always friendly from what I've experienced. The facility is clean, and usually well stocked. I witnessed first hand one day around closing time where a leading sergeant instructed her soldiers to throw out all the unused food, which consisted of freshly chopped vegetables, and all cooked food. They also gave me double portions since they were closing. Meaning that all the food we eat is not old or spoiled, and is probably prepared that same day. It's right next to the barracks I live in, and even though their schedule sometimes says they won't be active on the weekends, that's perfectly fine.

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    Matthew Klein


    This place is great. Usually I choose to wait 35 minutes for an undercooked burger, but if I'm feeling a little risky I go get some microwaved pasta and a steak that's as tough as a track pad. Don't forget to get the amazing soft drinks that always are just barely flavored. The staff always has a welcoming frown upon entering, as well as when you're waiting in line for 15 minutes to have your I.D. scanned. You'll get lucky to wait 15 minutes for your I.D. to get scanned just for them to waive you through. Always has a great temperature in the dining facility, if it's 50 degrees outside you can bet it's going to be at least 15 degrees colder in there for your pleasure. Overall great service if you're into being treated like an inmate at Leavenworth. Always food is rationed as if you're in a fallout nuclear war scenario. Smaller rations means you can't over eat so it's great for cutting calories.

  • army army

    army army


    Great salad bar. There is a bountiful amount of options to customize a salad unique to one's liking. Great atmosphere as well. While the sports memorabilia is slightly outdated, it's perfect for you to sit back and reminisce while enjoying a hot meal.

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