DeStefano Chiropractic and Associates LLC w Hackensack

Stany ZjednoczoneDeStefano Chiropractic and Associates LLC



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75, Summit Avenue, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-880-8866
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8867678, Longitude: -74.0587561

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jess P.


    I have been a patient of Dr. Rob for 22 years. Before doing any treatments, he will discuss your complaints and if he felt that you needed MRI/X-Rays, he would wait until the results before doing any treatment. Dr. Rob has helped numerous family/friends and me (even my 80 year old Grandfather) with all different issues and provided relief from PAIN. He does not just adjust you, he is trained in ART. If you are in PAIN, YOU NEED TO SEE DR.ROB! He will help you!!!!

  • en

    Vianca Rinko


    Dr Eric and dr rob have saved me from having to get another suregery. They listen and are attentive to every single one of your needs. They don’t rush you out and your not just another patient, they treat you like friends/family. I’m on a tremendous speedy toad to recovery with them.

  • scott zapfel

    scott zapfel


    Dr Rob DeStefano SAVED MY LIFE! I had an injury many years ago that resulted in herniated discs in my neck. For many years I went to many different Dr's and none provided much relief. I thought I found the one, but he made things even worse with traction. It was Dr Rob that worked on me 3 days a week to alleviate my discomfort and allow me to start sleeping again! Since then(which has been over ten years), I have been to the practice for many other issues and Dr Rob and Dr Eric continue to provide me with excellent care! If not for them I would not be able to lead the active, healthy and aggressive lifestyle that I have become accustomed to. THANK YOU!

  • en

    Alan Clements


    Dr. DeStefano has treated me for 15 years, when needed. He has found causes for pains that medical doctors were unable to diagnose. He then corrected the problem. As a coach, I have sent about a dozen athletes to him for treatment. One athlete was told by an orthopedist that she would be out 4-6 weeks with a sprained ankle. Dr. D had her back, pain free, within a week. He is an amazing doctor and gives you the time you need to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. He is never too busy to do whatever it takes. He is the BEST !!!!

  • en

    karen p


    Worst Chiropractor ever!! This man ruptured a disk in my neck with a very rough adjustment. Just had my 2nd spinal surgery due to this man. Extremely cocky and does NOT listen to his patients when u ask him to NOT adjust your neck. He should not be allowed to practice! I am not the only person he has injured. Please stay away!! And it is pathetic that he is allowed to use the word Dr. in front of his name! He is a chiropractor! 2 years of school does not make you a Dr.!! He is a quack!

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