Designer Rugs & Carpet by Peykar w Syosset

Stany ZjednoczoneDesigner Rugs & Carpet by Peykar



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233, Robbins Lane, 11791, Syosset, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-719-8500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.799599, Longitude: -73.518733

komentarze 5

  • en

    Randi Goozner


    The selection and the service was wonderful !! I wouldn't shop anywhere else for a rug or carpet. George was great to deal with.

  • Jen Sothers

    Jen Sothers


    We are very happy with our purchases!!! My husband and I are very picky and they spent so much time with us choosing the right rugs for our home. I am so thankful that we found them!!! We shopped at other places but it seems like everyone just wants you to pay or get out. At Peykar we did both...after a while!!!! Thanks again!

  • en

    Kidest Wolde


    My experience with Designer Rugs & Carpet was unbelievable. The staff, especially Robert and Maggie, helped me through every step of the way. Truly a great store and I would 100% recommend to others!!

  • Andre Martin

    Andre Martin


    What an unbelievable selection of rugs! I had the pleasure of dealing with Nollina throughout my selection process and she was the greatest. She was knowledgeable and definitely made everything an easy process. Robert has done a great job picking a quality team backing his business.

  • Rachelle Fitzgerald

    Rachelle Fitzgerald


    I went to Peykar for the first time a few weeks ago to buy new rugs for my apartment. My salesperson George was the best! He was so helpful, he showed me several beautiful rugs all within my price range and I found the perfect ones to fit my style. The purchase was simple and they were delivered in pristine condition. The rugs look fantastic in my apartment and I will definitely go back if I need to purchase any more. They are also helping me sell my old rugs that don't currently fit my style on Ebay. Marianna is helping me with the process and she is really a gem! She's so helpful and friendly, this is really a wonderful store and I would recommend it to everyone!

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