Dental365 i Bethpage

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4216, Hempstead Turnpike, 11714, Bethpage, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-735-3232
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7253582, Longitude: -73.480764

kommentar 5

  • en

    melissa schneiderman


    The best!! Everyone is super friendly..I always walk out with a smile 😁

  • elaine hernandez

    elaine hernandez


    Had a great experience..from beginning to end. staff was pleasant and helpful..Dr. Wilson and olga were wonderful very informative as well!

  • Amy Mcbryer

    Amy Mcbryer


    I had an amazing experience! The office is absolutely stunning and the staff and doctors where all very informative and helpful. Everything was explained in detail and I was really happy with my treatment. I would highly recommend this office for any future dental needs.

  • en

    Maria Orellana-Portillo


    This office is awesome! The front desk and Drs are amazing. I was always affraid to visit any dental office because of the bad experiences I had in the past but I couldn’t make a better decision to come to this place. The office is super clean!!! The work that my Dr did was excellent and painless.

  • en

    Jim Novak


    I've been a patient of Dr. Collura for many years; and she explains treatment options, and listens to the patient! Consistently inquires how the patient is doing, and makes this a painless visit. Dental hygienists make you comfortable as possible, and also ask about your well being during your visit!

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