Dental World w Garden City

Stany ZjednoczoneDental World



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1101, Stewart Avenue, 11530, Garden City, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-683-9100
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.73616, Longitude: -73.594195

komentarze 5

  • Maria Cannon

    Maria Cannon


    Wonderful doctors and assistants. I have nothing but good things to say about the doctors and staff. They are all very competent. I have been with them for over 15 years. Seen people retire in the interim. Love the people, they are like family. Always treated my husband, me and all my kids right. I wish I could still have them but my husbands job changed dental insurance plans. Very disappointed.

  • en

    Kelly Caron


    It took over 2 hours for a cleaning. Not acceptable. Hygenist was sloppy and not thorough.

  • en

    chase kaye


    Horrible place. Scheduled an appointment 3 months in advanced for a simple cleaning. They take my x-rays, -and send me back into the waiting room only to be never taken again. I have used them before, and they claim I don't have the dental insurance for them and then I call the insurance company and they say everything is fine. I wasted 2 hours of my life and the staff did not try to help the situation or even try to reschedule me.

  • en

    julie tuifel


    If you like to have your appointments constantly cancelled and rescheduled come here. If you love to wait over an hour every visit definately use this lovely place. The office staff blame the doctors , the doctors blame the staff. Not sure how they get away with running a business. Poor quality

  • Francesca Price

    Francesca Price


    We won't be back. They make sure they take care of them, but had my daughter and I WAITING while "they" ushered in others whose appt time was after my daughters. Just disrespectful. The hygienist was decent and I really appreciate her kindness in the end.

najbliższy Dentysta

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