Dental Smile PC w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDental Smile PC



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30-03, 30th Avenue, 11102, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-777-2577
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7673741, Longitude: -73.9220617

komentarze 5

  • forrest arnold

    forrest arnold


    I have been to over 50 dentists in my life and Dr. Saidi is hands down the best! He is very knowledgeable, professional, and a fun. His staff is thoughtful and welcoming. I recommend highly. A++

  • en

    ivonne romero


    I got a root canal and dental crown done on one of my teeth on the top front done here when I was 11 years old. It has been almost 10 years since then and the crown is still as strong as the first day. You can't even tell I have a fake tooth.

  • Mathews Fonseca

    Mathews Fonseca


    I’ve been here multiple times for different causes, the level of professionalism in this office surprised me. From the first encounter with receptionist Maria who is very courteous and attentive, to the actual visit from Dr. Walleed who is an outstanding individual from his work ethic to his prices. Would recommend this practice for any adults and children alike.

  • Barbie Lopez

    Barbie Lopez


    Listen guys, nobody gets it done like Dr. Saidi got it done today. His procedure was extremely professional, efficient and fast. I came in as a first time visitor and I'm sure it will definitely not be my last. The main point here is that I highly recommend him for anything you may be suffering from. Just ask my extracted wisdom tooth! He made my first time experience a great one. Plus, he's funny!

  • en

    TheleftyVO ‘


    One of the best dentist in NY! He’s a really great dentist & gets the job done. I never had any problems with my teeth, I feel comfortable on how he did. Overall he is exactly what i look for in a dentist. everyone in there is kind to their patients. I recommend everyone to go there.

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