Dental Elements w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneDental Elements



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1781, 15th Street, 80202, Denver, Denver County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-309-4093
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.751465, Longitude: -105.002539

komentarze 5

  • Giovanni Mims

    Giovanni Mims


    I loved the fact that I could call for a new appointment and they were available to see me within the hour. I usually like immediate appointments because my schedule changes so much. Everyone was very friendly and cares about the work being done. The staff and the lady who did my cleaning (I am so bad with names) was very thorough, knowledgeable, willing to learn more and that is greatly appreciated.

  • en

    Jennings Hester


    Had my initial appointment today. Best cleaning I’ve had and the dentist actually took the time to evaluate everything and put a plan in place for the future. First time I’ve had a dentist actually do more than walk in, look at my mouth and leave. Great practice!

  • en

    Sarah bennet


    My Dad Victor went in yesterday to be fitted for a mouthguard. Michael was fantastic. He's very knowledgeable and very pleasant. It was a quick and efficient appointment. I will add that me and my sister also have mouthguards from Dental Elements and Michael. The same excellent service, and great product. All 3 of us will definitely be back.

  • en

    Caroline Cooper


    I just moved to Denver this fall and was nervous about finding a new dentist. I went to Dental Elements for a regular teeth cleaning and they treated me like a princess! I tried the hydrogen peroxide teeth cleaning for the first time which I really liked. The hygenist and dentist were very knowledgeable. I will be going back

  • Andrew Gelber

    Andrew Gelber


    I’ve been a client at Dental Elements for 5 years. They’ve fixed my teeth and overall mouth health immensely. From root canals to cleanings to extractions, they’ve nailed it. My teeth are cleaner than ever and I couldn’t be happier about it. The entire staff is attentive, welcoming, professional, honest, and caring. They’ll go above and beyond to make you at ease about your visit(s). Special shout out to Michael, Rae, and Josie! Champions

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