Dental Arts of the HV i Poughkeepsie

Forenede StaterDental Arts of the HV


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305, Titusville Road, 12603, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-849-3220
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.660602, Longitude: -73.848169

kommentar 3

  • en

    Cindy Quartarone


    I went to Dr. Cohn for a consultation and she told me she could help me with my complex upper teeth. I had a protruding front tooth that seemed to glow in every photo! Thanks to Dr. Cohn, I can now smile after 15 years of hiding in the background! She did the most beautiful crowns on my teeth that have made my smile beautiful. Her staff is also fabulous! Looking forward to having more work done!

  • Jasmin Contreras

    Jasmin Contreras


    I had a crown put on my front tooth here after years of having shoddy dental work from another dentist. Dr.Cohn made the process quick, painless, and did a great job. I live an hour away now but I still make the drive to this clinic.

  • en

    David Rosten


    I went in for an issue on one tooth, but was billed for a completely different thing. I explained to the doctor beforehand my mistrust for issues like this and yet it still happened.

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