Dense Grove w Totowa

Stany ZjednoczoneDense Grove



🕗 godziny otwarcia

88, Lincoln Avenue, 07512, Totowa, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-538-5583
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.907057, Longitude: -74.2021775

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ron Wise


    Really enjoyed my first lesson! I have since booked several more. Extremely pleased 😄

  • Wesley Ostrander

    Wesley Ostrander


    Stefano is an excellent musician. Having worked with him in multiple scenarios and having seen him perform multiple times, I can say that learning from him is a fantastic idea. His musicianship on the guitar, his tone, his rhythm has always been fantastic.

  • en

    Daniel Lemise


    As someone who has had the pleasure of working closely with, learning from, and living with Stefano, I can honestly say that it will be hard to find a better teacher elsewhere. His humor and patience will go a long way with those who are just beginning. His hardworking demeanor and perseverance will help allow those who already have experience grow even further.

  • Bethy O

    Bethy O


    The lessons I took at Dense Grove were amazing. It was truly an educational experience and the teacher knew exactly what to say to get me to understand the material. I would highly recommend it to everyone that needs help in any music-related field. The teacher is professional, yet casual and provides an optimal learning atmosphere. I know where I am going if I need any more music-related help!

  • Elidaniel Gomez

    Elidaniel Gomez


    Stefano is an amazing, smart, kind, cool, and patient teacher he'll go as fast or as slow as you need him to be. He gives out assignments such as exercises to practice your guitar skills at home. Stefano teaches classical and electric guitar. He is also what I think is the the most important aspect for a teacher which is if he makes the class interesting. Does he make the lesson make you want to stay awake or does he make you want to knock in front of his face? Honestly Stefano is one of the more interesting, and hilarious teachers. I've only been taking his lessons for about 3-4 months and I'm already satisfied with where I am in my level of guitar playing (keep in mind I can't play very difficult songs Stefano's not a magician).

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