Denino's Pizzeria i New York

Forenede StaterDenino's Pizzeria



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524, Port Richmond Avenue, 10302, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-442-9401
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Latitude: 40.6301587, Longitude: -74.140171

kommentar 5

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    John Crispino


    The best! I've been going there for ever as long as I can remember even as a child my parents took me. I love the pie as well as all other dishes they serve! And you will too! Service is excellent and place always so clean and cozy

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    Guy Rosatelli


    Denino’s has the best pizza on Staten Island. It’s a family owned business that has been around for years. You can’t go wrong with any of the multitude of pies they offer. Our families favorite is the garbage pie. Pair that with an order of wings or fried calamari and you have an awesome meal. The staff is friendly and after you’ve been a few times they remember you. A lot of people will do carry out so they don’t have to wait for a table. It can get crowded at peaks times, but hey that’s because the food is good and people flock to that place. Definitely a must visit if you’re in Staten Island. I recently took some co-workers there, who were visiting from Los Angeles. They thought they knew good pizza. After eating Denino’s they were blown away. At first they weren’t sure about the paper plates and simple atmosphere. I explained it’s all about the food. Just give it a shot. They were sure glad that they did. Word has gotten out and now I have to bring another group for the folios NY pizza when they come to visit!

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    Kim Piotrowski


    It's a neighborhood pizzeria/restaurant. Its cozy and always clean. Servers are efficient, quick and kind. Food cooked fresh while you wait. Everything you order is yummy. A lot on their menu- appetizers, salads, pizza, sandwiches, platters, dessert, coffee, cappuccino. Have been here many times thru the years with both family and friends. It can get loud and busy on weekends and during the summer months. But it's controlled chaos. Staff stays on top of it all. This is one place you are never forgotten about. Great for parties, big groups and kids too. Try it you'll like it. They haven't lasted all these years for nothing. They are rated one of the best places on SI & the NY area.

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    Danyo Ip


    I think this place is overrated. I had a garbage pie half cheese only. The crust is super crispy which is good. There's no cheese flavor and no tomato sauce flavor. Toppings are alright. The root beer was very good. Worth a shot if you like a healthier tasting kind of slice. I like my pizza dripping grease and heart attack level 5000. This don't do it for me.

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    bobbie mendez


    Thin crust pizza is excellent we had the all supreme pepperoni and plain. Came hot crust was perfect. The appetizers however were blah especially baked clams. Service was quick and courteous

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