Denbeaux & Denbeaux w Westwood

Stany ZjednoczoneDenbeaux & Denbeaux



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366, Kinderkamack Road, 07675, Westwood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-664-8855
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9940667, Longitude: -74.0306397

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mark P


    Denbeaux & Denbeaux Law Firm located in Westwood, NJ has assisted me and my family for several years. They are extremely knowledgeable and their expertise in several areas of the law is excellent. If they can’t give you the best representation possible, they will refer you to very competent attorneys that will be able to handle whatever legal situation you are facing. They are very professional, friendly, and honest. I would highly recommend them without hesitation. I can always count on them and so can you!

  • en

    Marie Selser


    My husband and I had a free consultation with our documentation being reviewed by Mr. Denbeaux. He gave us a concise review of our options and was honest enough to tell us that was not his area of expertise. If we wanted to pursue the matter any further, he gave us the name and contact info for a different firm that did handle that type of litigation. We appreciated his honesty and his advice.

  • en

    Javier Torres


    Joshua Denbeaux and his legal team really represent and defend the homeowner against the big banks. They are the reason I'm still living in my house; many years after the bank was giving me the run around and proposing plans that only would only benefit them and not the homeowner. Very professional, very human and very effective legal team. Thanks Joshua and team!

  • en

    edward turen


    Josh Denbeaux is one of the smartest, most caring lawyers I have ever dealt with in my career. He provided outstanding service and was a real out of the box thinker when it came to rationalizing and solving complex litigation .I recommend his firm without reservation. Edward Turen

  • Dina



    I would never do this again. Josh has a way of making you feel like you can trust him. Talks to you for months, trying to convince you you have a case. Then gets you to sign a retainer and you barely hear from them. Took my money and I lost everything. They told me I would be rich. All lies. There was never any substance to that claim. Biggest ripoff lawyers.

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