Dellridge Health & Rehabilitation Center w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneDellridge Health & Rehabilitation Center


brak informacji

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532, North Farview Avenue, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-265-5600
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9547872, Longitude: -74.0571231

komentarze 5

  • en

    Bob Torre


    My father in law was admitted this past Good Friday. He had a mild stroke a week ago and is unable to care for himself. So far his prescriptions has not been given to him, they say they never received the records from the hospital. My wife has a copy from the hospital showing all of his prescriptions that was send to them. Simple stuff like providing water and tissues are non existence. They say they are out of supplies. My wife did find a bottle of water and the one remaining straw so my father in law can drink from. Today after his physical therapy he was left in that room and forgot about him for an hour and a half. He was pretty beat, wanted to head back to his room and needed to go to the bathroom. On day one no tour of the building was done so you have to figure out where any of the rooms are located.....The reception is pretty piss poor......It has been 3 days and so far we are not impressed!

  • Joanne Potthoff

    Joanne Potthoff


    My mother in law was there and the family felt everything was great!!

  • Jason Powers

    Jason Powers


    For a business based on caring for people they are rather rude

  • en

    giana matos


    My grandmother is there for rehab after having toe surgery. The nurses seem great and the physical therapist is amazing. It was goes when no one is there thats scary. My grandmother was left for 2 hours in the library even though she was repeatedly pressing a button calling for a nurse to help her walk. How is this possible? Also one night my grandmother repeatedly pressed the button asking for assistance to use the bathroom since she is a fall risk. Once again no one helped her and she wet the bed. The nurses have one job and that is to attened to everyone and these repeated mistakes are appalling. I witnessed one myself when I went to visit. One women was crying in her room asking to be put to bed and kept say "I keep calling and no one is coming, I just want to go to bed what dont you understand." if I can hear it then why cant anyone else. Also while leaving the door of the women's room was shut but a blinking red light meaning they need attention was going off. Where is the attention?

  • en

    Scott Lippe


    As a physician with many years of nursing home experience, I can honestly say that Dellridge Health & Rehab really delivers excellent, high quality care in a small, personalized setting. Bottom line: If I had to place any of my relatives or even myself in a rehab setting, I would most definitely choose Dellridge. I have recommended this facility to my patients when they need such a setting and I continue to do so!

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