Del Rio Salon & Spa w Blue Point

Stany ZjednoczoneDel Rio Salon & Spa



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160, Montauk Highway, 11715, Blue Point, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-868-3150
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7586416, Longitude: -73.0324202

komentarze 5

  • en

    Tammy Fusco


    Love Del Rio & Stephanie!! Always get the best cut, color and highlights. Thanks!!!

  • en

    Lisa Hamski


    Liz is amazing! My only warning is to watch what you are paying for. I was charged extra for the glaze/toner application after having some highlights put in. Many other salons don't charge extra. They considerate as part of the service.

  • en

    jeanette kiesnoski


    Recently had a touch up, cut, shampoo and blowout and Donna did an excellent job. Have also had Jena work on my hair a few times with great results. The staff is kind and the atmosphere is extremely pleasant. Definitely will be back soon for more work on my hair.

  • Danielle Vahey

    Danielle Vahey


    Just had my hair done today with Liz! I got a trim, a deep conditioning treatment and a glaze. I've always had my aunt do my hair so this was a first time experience for me. Everyone at the salon was so warm and friendly and I'm definitely going back! Thank you all so much! Below I'm posting a before and after photo.

  • Hilary Wolfskill

    Hilary Wolfskill


    I had my hair and makeup done this past weekend for my wedding along with the moms and two other girls. When we arrived they had a whole team ready and waiting for us. They were incredibly accommodating with my mother constantly changing her mind on what she wanted. They had bagels, coffee, and other refreshments available for us which was a great touch that made me remember to eat during all the craziness! I do not wear makeup on a regular basis and was very nervous about being comfortable and not being too different for my husband. The girl that did my makeup did a wonderful job of keeping things natural so that it wasn't too different from my every day look, but created a really nice polished look (with fabulous eyes) that I kept on all day and never noticed. I've had my makeup done professionally in the past and this is the first time I didn't take it off until the end of the night.

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