DecksOnly w Greenlawn

Stany ZjednoczoneDecksOnly



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105, Broadway, 11740, Greenlawn, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-651-8478
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8655664, Longitude: -73.3646482

komentarze 4

  • Serena & Peter Robertson

    Serena & Peter Robertson


    Jeff, of Decks Only, was so easy to work with, very honest, reliable, and on schedule! He worked with us and kept us informed every step of the way. We had an existing deck structure that was previously finished with Trex material, we knew Trex was the material we wanted, however it was poorly done and felt very unsafe for our active toddler and her friends to be playing out there. Jeff’s pricing was fair and reasonable and worked with us and our budget. Additionally, his experience and knowledge in residential construction and renovations proved trustworthy, and we are so pleased with our new raised deck and new patio door. Can’t wait for the warm weather to finally arrive!!

  • en

    J. Lincoln Barr


    The deck on our home is 49 steps up from the street level and provides the entrance to the front door. Our cesspool in located underneath the deck. This past spring an issue developed with the cesspool, which required the removal of the existing deck, replacement of the cesspool and construction of a new deck. After considerable research, my wife and I decided to look into Trex for the deck. In our area the contractor, Decks Only, was highly rated. I was impressed after the first phone call with Decks Only and further impressed when Jeff from Decks Only visited our home. He worked through several iterations of deck design until we settled on a significantly improved design over the original deck. Jeff helped us pick out the colors for the deck components. Jeff arranged for the demolition of the original deck. The firm that performed the demolition was incredibly efficient. The property was left completely clean. Once we obtained a permit from our town, the cesspool was replaced and construction of the deck commenced. After the demolition, we discovered some hidden issues with the front of our home. We hired Decks Only to correct the issues. The crew was excellent, very detailed oriented, and nothing was missed nor left to chance. The deck is excellent! The Trex material is wonderful! One hidden benefit of using Trex is that with plastic shovels it is very easy to push snow off the deck without shoveling. We highly recommend Decks Only and the Trex product!

  • en

    L P


    Lightening fast work done professionally and cleanly! Jeff and his crew did an amazing job of recreating a thoughtfully conceived deck from our old, deteriorating cedar deck. He built a portion of the deck and raised our hot tub which we can now easily climb into. The lighting is gorgeous and creates a beautiful ambiance. I am looking forward to enjoying many seasons with our Trek's deck!

  • Michael Chechanover

    Michael Chechanover


    They designed the perfect deck based upon our vision. In fact, the design was better than what we imagined. Jeff and his crew did an amazing job making that design a reality. It was great that they took responsibility of all phases of the project including plumbing, electrical and the hot tub. Great communication throughout the project. Decks Only takes pride in its work and it's customer service. Highly recommended!!

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