Decicco Brother's Linens w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDecicco Brother's Linens


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2312, Arthur Avenue, 10458, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-561-6561
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8536702, Longitude: -73.8890315

komentarze 4

  • en

    Brian Langsford


    My experience at Decicco Brother's Novelties...Long story short-THEY ONLY WANT TO MAKE AS MUCH MONEY OFF OF PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE. EVEN IF THAT MEANS THAT THEY HAVE TO RIP PEOPLE OFF BY SELLING THEM MERCHANDISE THAT RIPS WHEN YOU PUT IT ON. THEY SELL LOW QUALITY MERCHANDISE FOR HIGH PRICES AND DON'T STAND BEHIND IT. I bought a thin pair of XL leather gloves for $15, the same ones that go for $6 at Job Lot. No big deal, it was convenient since I was shopping on Arthur Avenue anyway. However, as I slid the gloves onto my hands they both ripped. I went back 2 days later and the owner had his elderly father sow one glove but they missed the other(Note: XL is my size). So I go back again(still less than 30 days later), this time with my wife. I ask for store credit since they refuse to do refunds. The owner refuses to give store credit because they were already "WORN." Again, I mentioned the fact that they ripped as I put them on so I never had the chance to WEAR them. The owner offers to "repair" the second glove but he said "the guy who does it isn't here." Moments later, the owner's elderly father("the guy who does it ...")walks out from the back. Yet the owner did not keep his word and have the glove repaired. Instead the owner said that he had to leave by 5:40p.m. Even though the hours posted indicate that the store closes at 6:00pm. So he just talked to me and my wife like we were a nuisance until we left. The same guy who had said "sir" to me multiple times in every sentence back when I bought the gloves and other items, now was talking to me and my wife like we were criminals. The fake, "nice guy" sales act that was so fake nice that it was weird, was now replaced by a cold, rude tone and posture that was just as weird but in the opposite direction. They have a great location but most of their merchandise is the cheap acrylic stuff that you can buy online for half the price. Worst of all, they don't stand behind their merchandise and treat people terribly. No value for their customers. Even a repeating customer. THEY ONLY WANT TO RIP PEOPLE OFF WITH MERCHANDISE THAT RIPS WHEN YOU PUT IT ON. Happy Holidays!

  • es

    chris tide



  • Peter Nguyen

    Peter Nguyen


    I regret not buying anything from this store. Now I wish they had an online store. They have nice merchandise.

  • Roberto Salgado

    Roberto Salgado


najbliższy przechowywania towarów domowe

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