Dear Mama Coffee w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDear Mama Coffee



🕗 godziny otwarcia

308, East 109th Street, 10029, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 929-279-2225
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.792141, Longitude: -73.940656

komentarze 5

  • Aditya Saurabh

    Aditya Saurabh


    I regularly visit Dear Mama's Coffee. This place is the closest hangout place for parents of the kids, that go to the four schools that are housed in the buildings across the road. I always seem to order turmeric latte, everything 🥐 croissant and a smoothie, either berry blast or 🥑 avocado 🍌 banana. They have fast WiFi. That helps while I work on my laptop, waiting for some event to start at the 🏫 school. There is always enough space, especially in the mornings. If they can put charging stations for phone, that would be great! They should apply for permit for a cart outside the schools.

  • en

    Stephanie Makowski


    Great place to bring your laptop and work. Friendly staff, good coffee, good food, good atmosphere, and enough space to park for an afternoon and get some work done. It's chilly inside, so being a hoodie if you get cold easily.

  • John Lion

    John Lion


    Food is very good. The owners and staff are very nice guys and girl. Zack super cool guy - one of the owners. Diego, Mateo, Dustin, Anthony, and other names I'm forgetting - cool staff. I've had almost everything on the food menu it's delicious. The owner and staff really set the cool chill vibe atmosphere of the beautiful place. It is very spacious, great variety of seating, the wifi works good. My go to spot for business lunches and whenever friends are in my job area as this is like two doors down. I look forward to checking out their new collection at the Columbia place by 125th it's gonna be huge!

  • justin kuchma

    justin kuchma


    After speaking with the owner Zach and him and myself agreeing to give myself another shot here I gave it a whirl. I must say that the coffee is great and the music is growing on me a bit. Still not my cup of tea coming from the speakers but maybe the playlist that day just wasn't for me. I can see now that this is a great neighborhood spot where you can have your cup of coffee... Eat lunch ..... Have a beer.... And get some school work down or catch up on some old times with a friend. I will be coming back for dinner and a beer because I here the food is excellent. Once pleased with the food that is when they will get my 5 star rating. And must say the owner Zach is a pretty decent guy and is very in touch with the community. Rare thing to see nowadays in this industry. I think this is a great spot to frequent especially if you are in the area .

  • Kareem Alston

    Kareem Alston


    This place is fire. For the new implants in the neighborhood, let me rephrase: the coffee and ambiance are really good. We got cortados and a latte with oat milk. This is the first place I've had oat milk and it's very delicious. The art on the walls is a nice touch and the music is always solid. I've been here about 3 times. Once just to meet a friend, once to interview a prospective student, and once to kill time before a dinner reservation. The barista this most recent time time was super cool and showed me how to pour milk into coffee to create a heart shape on the top. That was cool. 5 stars.

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