Deangelo Remodeling w West Islip

Stany ZjednoczoneDeangelo Remodeling



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140, West 5th Street, 11795, West Islip, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-587-6095
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.724106, Longitude: -73.298339

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jon K


    Gary D junior now claims to be an owner on social media. He had is contractor license revoked and arrested once for his work. I was one of 3 people who sued him for taking money and running, and work performed that failed safety code (all 3 of us won, but the county had to pay us out because they couldnt locate Gary Jr). If Gary Jr is involved, stay away.

  • en

    mike c


    Had this company redo my bathroom, he works with you if you want to order your own stuff or he can get if for you. Very fair on pricing. He was finished in 4 days, and my vanity was on backorder from Home Depot, he came a week later when it arrived and installed for me on his own time. Very hard working, polite, great price. Highly recommend. West Babylon, N.Y.

  • en

    wendy wagner


    The 5 day bathroom remodel was truly done in 5 days! Gary and crew came even in the snow storm. They left my house clean with no traces of construction at the end of each work day. The estimate was accurate with no surprise add-ons. Professional, beautiful work. I would highly recommend!!

  • en

    Gary D


    It's a shame that this person would leave a comment so completely untrue given that they never had an estimate by us! Not only do we treat people with respect , we certainly do not pressure people to get things they do not need. 25 five years, family owned, zero complaints filed with better business bureau , zero complaints filed at consumer affairs. Anyone getiing an estimate from us is more than welcome to contact any of our hundreds of customers for references. Thank you, Gary

  • en

    Lucky Simmons


    VERY UNPROFESSIONAL. I had these shady guys come to my house for there alleged $5000 bathroom in 5 days. Nonsense. All they do is talk circles around you to get you to upgrade to the most expensive "package" they offer. Very unprofessional. Bad attitude. I just needed a simple bathroom makeover. Watch out and do your research before calling these guys.

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