deal Air w Phoenix

Stany Zjednoczonedeal Air



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6242, West Maya Drive, 85083, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 623-374-2965
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.728947, Longitude: -112.194227

komentarze 3

  • Laura __________

    Laura __________


    NO FOLLOW THROUGH TO FINISH A JOB! ARIZONA CUSTOMERS - YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO USE THIS COMPANY IN THE SWELTERING HEAT THAT WE HAVE. This is another fly by night Old Republic Home Warranty company that appears to sign up to make some pocket change in the busy season and does not really care about their reputation or keeping customers. While I was almost convinced they were a good company, Sean, had to come back to my place a couple of times trying to figure out an issue of short cycling. He lastly asked me to check on the workings of thermostat and call the next day with my reportings. When calling back, Lisa advised that he was closing my order and that nothing was wrong with my unit - WHAT? Than why were you questioning the thermostat? It was still short cycling after whatever you said you did. I do not even know if you did what you said you did. You had one last thing to check and did not bother to do it. I guess he decided that based on the trade fee we paid and the Old Republic fee - he was not going to make enough money to travel to my home one last time. Shameful! This is bad business Sean. The next company they sent - A REPUTABLE ONE! Changed the thermostat and it is now working beautifully. With the internet these days, you have to be more thoughtful with customers than ever before. Sean take note - Your company will never grow like this and will some day fail. Not sure OR will keep you in their network either. Too many complaints!

  • Aaron Martin

    Aaron Martin


    Beware of this company! They put off my simple repair for 4 months because they were too busy simply to tell me they did not want my business all that time later when I could have had someone else come to do the work by then. They then had the audacity to text a recommendation for a company they bad mouthed when I initially contacted them for a second opinion. Extremely unprofessional over the phone, unresponsive, and dishonest.

  • Blue Bird

    Blue Bird


    air conditioning not working - blowing air (just not cold air), tech stops by - doesn't introduce himself... didn't even look at the air conditioner.. stated, "sounds like its working".. and then left. We went with someone else.. had to purchase whole new system. Oh well; guess the $5,000 we paid to other company (which we loved); to fix our system - wasn't important to them.

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