De Cara Makeup w Mamaroneck

Stany ZjednoczoneDe Cara Makeup



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
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Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
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516, West Boston Post Road, 10543, Mamaroneck, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-569-3285
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9451046, Longitude: -73.7372765

komentarze 5

  • en

    Diana Tapper


    Ashley did my makeup and my daughter's makeup for our last few big events. We were thrilled with the results. She had to create three totally different looks on each of us and worked tirelessly to ensure everything was exactly as we wanted it. She is the consummate professional - hard worker, perfectionist, and eager to please her clients. Most impressively, she was at the salon ready for us early in morning during a nor'easter (during which we ourselves lost power). She left extra time in her commute to ensure she wouldn't be a second late to ensure our day went smoothly. I received so many compliments on all of my looks and would definitely use Ashley again for our next event.

  • en

    Michelle De Leon


    If you're looking for a makeup artist don't hesitate to book Ashely from De Cara makeup. She is literally an angel and such a wonderful person to work with. I had made an appointment at another salon for my engagement photo shoot and was shocked to find out that they were closed despite multiple confirmations that my appointment was booked. In a complete panic I call Ashley and she completely calmed me down and jumped in her car to go to the salon to meet me despite it being her day off. She even called the salon ahead of time to let them know I would be coming and what the situation was. She is the epitome of a professional. Ashley met me at the salon and got to working right away. Since at this point I was on a time crunch I just trusted Ashley to do my makeup, I barely gave any direction and she was spot on with what I wanted. Thanks to her I made it to my photoshoot right on time and everything was great. HIGHLY RECOMMEND working with her. The salon she works at was also wonderful and overall I had such a great experience. What could have been a disastrous day turned out great thanks to her. THANK YOU SO MUCH ASHLEY!!! You are the best!!!!

  • en



    If I could give more than 5 stars, I absolutely would! My every day makeup is really simple. I use maybe three or four things and that’s it! So for my wedding day I knew I was gonna need some help. Ashley was fantastic! She listened to everything I suggested and together we came up with the perfect makeup for my big day. It was an old hollywood glam look with subtle makeup and a bold red lip and I felt great! Just the other day, I was looking at pictures and I immediately texted her to thank her again.She really got me! I felt stunning, but most importantly I still felt like me. I’ve recommended her to a few people already and they always rave about her! Thank you so much Ashley for making me feel beautiful❤️ You truly are so talented!

  • en

    Alyssa Brickey


    Love Ashley! Always does an amazing job with my makeup, and I'm so particular with what I like! I wanted a natural look for my 30th and she delivered(I'm on the far left). She is my go to for any event!

  • en

    Shari Romero


    Ashley is professional and caring. She is skillful and provides beautiful work while being super easy to work with. Will definitely use her for future events and refer her to friends/family!

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