Davis Appliance Repair w Glenwood Landing

Stany ZjednoczoneDavis Appliance Repair



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120, Glenwood Road, 11547, Glenwood Landing, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-676-1077
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8303428, Longitude: -73.6421796

komentarze 5

  • en

    T W


    This appliance repair was completely unprofessional. He totally took advantage of my family. I was told he could fix my dryer and paid for the new part which cost me $180. It took all week for him to return with the part he worked on it for 1hr 15 min and told me that he worked on it for hours he literally walked out and told me to buy another part that was $295. He left without even resolving the problem and left a complete mess for me to clean up! There were screws on the floor of my basement where my babies play. He had the nerve to call me a few days later and ask me to purchase the new part for $295 so he could complete the services. When I told him I wanted a refund for the original part for $180 he told me he already installed it! I would never ever use this unprofessional man. He said he could fix my dryer and made it worse. He left a complete dangerous dusty mess in my basement and did not have any regard for the customer. He is a complete crook!!

  • en



    My Family has used Mr. Davis for years, Honest workmanship and always a fair price, Highly reccomended If smething needs to be adjusted after repair, never a hesitation he is prompt and professional anthony genua

  • en

    Phil Storace


    Davis charged $100 for repair ordered part said I had to wait two weeks for part delivery.He said he temporally fixed it.still wasn't working next day called samsung for a repairman, He said it wasn't davis's part that caused problem and he replaced a different part and reinstalled Davis's defective part which was fine. the refrigerator working fine for almost a week now. Davis also wanted cash payment no credit card accepted,since we needed refrigerator fixed, I gave him cash .I'm sorry I tried this company for repair. told him he didn't fix problem and he didn't offer any money back and hung up before I could argue point.

  • Karen Swett

    Karen Swett


    We have used Mr. Davis for over 10 years, and have recommended him to our friends, and all who have used him have been very happy with him. His prices are fair, and he guarantees his work. You cannot go wrong with this man.

  • en

    Jack Zimnavoda


    Can't believe how poor the service was here, and the results matched! We contacted 'Zeek' from Davis Appliance Repair about two weeks ago after our refrigerator wasn't working. He agreed to come over at 6PM 'cause my wife and I work in the city, and couldn't get home any earlier than that. After his first visit, he told us that he thought he knew what was wrong with it - and said he'd have to come back in a couple days to have another look. This visit cost $100. A few days later, he came back and told us "yup, the compressor is definitely the problem. You guys need a new board, and new thermostats - I have the parts, but I left them at home - I'll have to come back in a few days" The third visit - he brought the parts installed them, and took apart a few things in the freezer - and then put it back again. He said everything would be fine from here on out. This visit cost $311 (services and parts). Unfortunately, he put the freezer back together incorrectly. The fourth visit, he put the freezer back together again - incorrectly again. Now not only is the refrigerator having the SAME problem it had before 'Zeek' even showed up - now the freezer light isn't working, nor is it making ice. I called Zeek to ask him to come back and fix this once and for all and he told me "he don't work nights" - this is after he's been willing to come to our house at 6PM for the past 4 visits, and this is the first we hear of it. With no refund in sight, and our refrigerator STILL not working after two and a half weeks - This is by far the WORST service we've ever received. PLEASE do not give this man and this company your business!

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