Davin L. Halpern, DC en Northport

Estados UnidosDavin L. Halpern, DC


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🕗 horarios

842, Fort Salonga Road, 11768, Northport, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-757-3000
sitio web: northportnaturalhealth.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.899336, Longitude: -73.328869

comentarios 5

  • Evelyn Nowlin

    Evelyn Nowlin


    I am so in awe of how this Chiropractor has assisted me with improving and maintaining my spinal health over the last 2.5 years. Currently, I visit him on a weekly basis in an effort to feel great and keep healthy in a lot of ways. He is an honorable Doctor with awesome integrity and stands behind his practice. He is knowledgeable and teaches me how to help myself in terms of what to and not to do in efforts to maintain good spinal health on a daily basis. I can't imagine not being one of his patients as our doctor-patient relationship is priceless. He is a gentleman and a scholar; and, I appreciate him and the differences and positive changes he has accomplished with my spinal health. As a person, his character and personality are above and beyond what anyone could hope for. I recommend this Doctor wholeheartedly to anyone who needs the ultimate professional with hands and tools of magic as the results from his treatments are beyond belief. Feeling grateful -Evelyn Nowlin

  • carrie anne Gonzalez

    carrie anne Gonzalez


    I am a disabled veteran and have seen many chiropractors in the past for various issues. Dr Halpurn is absolutely THE BEST that I have encountered and he is now my forever doctor. I have recommended him several times. I felt immediate relief on the first visit, nearly 1 year ago, and have been seeing him ever since. He has always been available in the event of an emergency and has taken me in at a moments notice if necessary. Dr Halpurn has truly been a gift in my holistic health. Thanks Dr hal-urn!!!

  • en

    Nick Singh


    I've dealt with severe lingering back pain throughout the past few years and no treatment seemed to work. Once I started seeing Dr. Halpern, that all changed. Not only does his treatments work like wonder, but Dr. Halpern's generosity and patience makes his practice that much better. I truly recommend anyone who has back issues or even any nutritional question to see Dr. Halpern. You are guaranteed efficient and personalized care from someone who is both knowledgeable and accommodating. Dr. Halpern has an excellent presence with his patients and is someone who I truly have come to trust and view as a friend.

  • iggyjr m

    iggyjr m


    Every so often my back goes out and I cant stand on my own. At times like these I need to visit Dr. Davin Halpern in Northport and he knows exactly what to do. Dr. Halpern loosens the muscles and adjusts the vertebrae back into alignment allleviating the pain. II you have excruciating pain, dont hesitate to give Dr.Halpern a call!

  • Chuck Klein

    Chuck Klein


Salud más cercano

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