Dart Awnings i Freeport

Forenede StaterDart Awnings



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365, South Main Street, 11520, Freeport, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-544-2082
internet side: www.dartawnings.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.647347, Longitude: -73.575437

kommentar 5

  • Florence Russo

    Florence Russo


    Top of the line customer service the ladies in the office are just so caring and provide top notch service. They said they would take my awning down on Monday, and they did the guys were great. I have dealt with other awning companies, and I am staying with dart.

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    LISA Priola


    The ladies in the office were great. The sales rep they sent out was knowledgeable on all the products. The crew that came to install were amazing. Everyone was professional and helpful. I highly recommend Dart Awnings.

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    Michelle Tomlinson


    Wonderful company from start to finish. Installers were very professional and courteous, cleaned up completely and finished product was perfect. Staff was also very courteous and helpful.

  • Ray Foy

    Ray Foy


    Dart, Dooley and the family, A+. Four floors of fire damage were completely and meticulously restored. Outstanding work and truly thankful. Highly recommend.

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    The Dart Awnings installation crew arrived right on schedule. They worked, in earnest, on building our car port and an extended door canopy. The crew worked non-stop: no breaks, never wasting a moment, and working smoothly, together, effectively, and efficiently. The crew was in a positive frame of mind, good natured, polite and professional, at all times. Everyone knew their job, and performed it very well. They kept me apprised of the work progress, and made some very helpful suggestions to improve on the original plan. I watched the entire process, asked questions, and photographed all phases of the job. The crew was very cooperative, and pleased to explain what was being done. The final product is astounding! I would heartily recommend this crew to anyone contemplating a project such as this.

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