DARCARS Lanham Kia w Lanham

Stany ZjednoczoneDARCARS Lanham Kia



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9020, Lanham Severn Road, 20706, Lanham, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-459-1100
strona internetowej: www.darcarslanhamkia.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.962752, Longitude: -76.862871

komentarze 5

  • Lovepreet Aujla

    Lovepreet Aujla


    I've bought 2 Kias from Kia Lanham-- a 2011 Optima EX and a 2014 Sorento SXL. The cars are great; yet like many Kia dealerships, the buying experience has been a letdown time and time again. This particular dealer has really revamped the actual building and it looks a lot nicer inside than previous years. They have a decent inventory selection as well. The issue with this dealership is 1) not valuing customer loyalty and 2) poor, inconsistent management. I came to buy my 3rd Kia, a fully-loaded Kia Stinger GT2. The sales rep seemed new and very untrained; his e-mails were not very professional (i.e. spelling "which" as "witch"). Every time I asked a question regarding the policy on loaner cars, service times, etc. the only response I received was a generic "Don't worry, we'll take care of you." I know this to not be the case; every time I've brought my Optima and Sorento back here, I've been denied a loaner or any sort of help. When working on the Stinger GT2 sale, I made it plainly clear that if the dealer matched the invoice price, I'd throw in a few more bucks and take the car the very same day. The sales manager on duty at the time told me that he was not interested in making a deal anywhere near invoice price; he instead boasted that the car would sell in just days. Naturally, I got a call back just 2 days later from the sales rep that the management considered my offer and wanted me to come back into the dealership. Conducting business like this is no way to garner more customers or to retain loyal customers making their 3rd purchase. Ultimately, it is a decent place to buy a Kia, but the lack of customer appreciation and the confounding management process knock this dealership off my list.

  • It's Carly

    It's Carly


    I came to this location as being referred by mother, she swears but this place. My initial visit was great, however i was told that there was going to be an order placed for a couple parts that i needed for my car such as a new blower and TPMS. I was told that i would receive a call with in a few days and i would be able to schedule a time to come in and have the parts replaced. That was over a week ago. I've called twice, the first time it seemed as though the lady didn't know of anything that i was talking about. The second time, the phone rang and rang and no one answered. I even had my mom call and still no answer.. I'm frustrated because it's been very cold lately and my Heat is NOT BLOWING properly! I would very much like this problem fixed as soon as possible!




    My is name Tyra I Bought a 2016 FORTEKOUP Taji 😘 was my sell preson she was Wonderful to me and Patient she got me in a car first day I love my car thanks to her TAjI best of the best

  • en

    scott okeefe


    I had a wonderful experience buying a 2018 Kia Sorento here. Constantin (the manager) was helpful throughout the entire process and even encouraged me to check with other dealers in the area to ensure I was getting the best price. Taji took me out to test drive a few different options and was never pushy throughout. It felt like they truly wanted me to only buy something if I was sure it was right for me. They were never pushy. Marcus and Marcel were also a pleasure during my interactions with them. I would recommend to anyone in the market for a Kia!

  • NaShawn Taylor

    NaShawn Taylor


    The customer service is bad. Not the worst though. When you enter they would not say a word to me. I had to guess who I should speak with to get help. Okay your busy that is fine. At least say hi and we will be with you shortly. My Kia was there for a engine recall. They told me it would take two weeks since the engine was already there for me. After 3 weeks I got no call on status or anything. So I make a call. The lady on the phone could not help me about my car status. So she said someone will call. Nope no one called. So I call back no with a attitude about not being informed. That was my only issue. Not that it's taking longer. When it was done. I came in the office same ole no one will speak to me. Then I get the paperwork. No talk about what was done. Then the lady comes and just hands me keys and says here you go. I still have to hand them the rental car keys. But since no one is really talking to me. They did not know that. Im just glad I was not spending my money. Glad the management came once I was pissed. Not a good first now last impression.

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