Danny's Pharmacy i New York

Forenede StaterDanny's Pharmacy



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1632, Bruckner Boulevard, 10473, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-328-6777
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.8228768, Longitude: -73.8735346

kommentar 5

  • Nellie Bee

    Nellie Bee


    Great customer service. Conveniently located. And the also provide notary services. Multi functional pharmacy.

  • Lonnie jefferson

    Lonnie jefferson


    Sam and Danny are the best with all customers they have a way of making everyone feel special. Great prices can't ask for more

  • en

    joy harris


    I have been going to Danny's Pharmacy for years. The best customer service ever. They are very interpersonal with the customers. An excellent group of people!!! Highly recommended!!

  • Dereck Chappell

    Dereck Chappell


    Danny's Pharmacy is a nice store to shop at and the staff has excellent customer services. Danny is very professional.

  • en

    Frances Pena


    I just Love Danny and his wonderful group of staff! Very professional, prompt and emphatic to their customers. I work in the Medical Field and i don't see this at all with big pharmacy companies. I often find myself referring people to Danny's not only because I go there myself, but also because I'm sure they will be treated like human beings (unlike many other pharmacies who are just looking for your money)

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