Danny's Bagels w Lynbrook

Stany ZjednoczoneDanny's Bagels



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8, Ocean Avenue, 11563, Lynbrook, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-596-9394
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6668951, Longitude: -73.6610198

komentarze 5

  • en

    Steven O'Connell


    Best flagels in long island

  • en

    Frank Spade


    I am a 34 year-old resident of Lynbrook to unfortunately just moved a few towns away. Danny's Bagels is one of the main reasons to always come back to Lynbrook. He has a great selection of bagels, if you get the bagels fresh they are crispy on the outside and hot & moist on the inside. I don't leave many reviews but Danny's Bagels is just out of this world

  • Mike Behman

    Mike Behman


    The bagels are more like rolls. The guy behind the counter had a runny nose and kept wiping his face. He then put on a glove and started making my sandwich. I stopped him and asked if he was sick. He said it didn't matter because he was wearing a glove. I asked to have someone else make my food. He huffed and puffed, threw the bagel he was touching back into the bin and gave me an attitude. As the other guy made my sandwich he went to reach into the same bin of bagels. I told him I didn't want anything from the bin where the sick guy who handled the bagel with 1 glove threw it back into. I choose a different flavor. While this was going on the sick guy kept ringing up one item at a time as I put it on the counter. I can't stand that. It's awkward. then he looked at me like I was nuts digging through my pocket for exact change. I came close but not exact. He looked at me weird when I didn't want to take ten cents from his sick hand. When your sick and you serve food you should stay home. After all that the bacon, egg and cheese was horrible. No are 2 bites, threw it in the garbage and walked into the store next door to order breakfast

  • Allan K Thompson

    Allan K Thompson


    I've been going to this bagel shop for a long time, since I was in middle school, and now about 8 years later I have to say that it's improved so much and has become a really, really great place. The food is great -- of course their focus is bagels and their bagels are amazing -- but more importantly is their staff. They are so laid back and friendly, especially Danny himself. I really recommend this place to anyone who wants a great start to their morning.

  • Jerry Wechsler

    Jerry Wechsler


    It is rare that I consider anything "excellent." Very Good is, after all, better than most of what we come across, these days. The bagels here are well-balanced: Not too puffy, not too hard; they do not weigh you down. The cream cheese was similarly well balanced, neither too heavy nor to aerated. The neighborhood people who came through while I was there all say hello to Danny by name, and he seems to be friends with all of them. This was a very friendly place, not only Danny but the entire staff.

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