Danny Hair Studio w Silver Spring

Stany ZjednoczoneDanny Hair Studio



🕗 godziny otwarcia

959, Bonifant Street, 20910, Silver Spring, Montgomery County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 240-839-7988
strona internetowej: www.dannyhairstudio.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9937833, Longitude: -77.0260261

komentarze 5

  • en

    edamy daniel


    I usually come to this place and enjoy there services. But I had a terrible experience here. The customer service was not good, not friendly or welcoming. I came at opening time and stayed until 2:30. Mind you, I had a graduation party to attend to at 2, I let them know I had to leave to go, but they kept saying that we are almost done, just stay while they put people in front of me. If I could put zero stars I would.

  • Shevane C. T.

    Shevane C. T.


    Love this place service is amazing and the people are very nice

  • en

    Mikele Moges


    Nice spot, nice people,😃 Temesgen got bars 👍👑

  • en

    Raissa Makins


    First off, I was looking for a Salon that had experience with natural hair and had a decent price. So I did my research online and called before I decide to go to this salon. I wanted to get a permanent color, trim and style. Secondly, The whole process took 6+hours. Which to me is ridiculous. Before I sat down I told them what color I wanted and they said okay .Then to find out the color I wanted they did not have, which is fine.The problem was that they waited till my hair was bleached to Inform me of that. Forcing me to choose another color I wasn’t too sure about.(I didn’t like)I spoke to the manager about it to let him know I wasn’t too pleased about it. That whole process was very unpleasant. That was very unproffessional as a new clientele coming in. And then the pricing is not the same as in the website. They charge me a $125 but, on the website it says $90 for color,set and flat iron which is what I ended up getting. When I asked him why $125 he said because it is a long process.On a positive note I will say thought there is one stylist there that is the bomb with the flat iron.

  • Mia Laze

    Mia Laze


    I was told to wait for a couple of minutes so I did wait about 40 minutes. I wanted to get a hair cut and also have my hair straightened. The man who did my hair was such in a hurry and did a horrible job. When I asked him why his excuse was 'your hair is too dry and you came on the busiest day of the week'. This is my first time ever hearing a comment like that about my hair from a professional hair stylist. The worst part is I asked if he can do it again the next morning when he is not as busy and I was charged for it. Not worth my time and money.

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