Danny Automotive en Elmont

Estados UnidosDanny Automotive



🕗 horarios

653, Hempstead Turnpike, 11003, Elmont, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-502-4499
sitio web: www.dannyautomotive786.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7070518, Longitude: -73.7025901

comentarios 5

  • en

    Gur Hothi


    Nice people nice area job well done

  • en

    Asif Khan


    Most cooperative persons.i get the nice car. they give u the best idea how to save money.😉 10 stars ⛥⛥⛥⛥⛥⛥⛥⛥⛥⛥

  • en

    Abid Masood


  • Farzan Gorgani

    Farzan Gorgani


    My family and I have been going here for years because of the great mechanical work, professionalism and HONESTY, which we all know is rare in the automotive world. They never over charge and are always straight up with what exactly we need. As a testament to their honesty: I once went to a Mavis for a simple oil change. Of course they offered to change my worn out brakes and air filters for $150 from a dropped down price of $250. I declined, brought it to Danny, where he said, your brakes are 100% fine I won't do anything to your car. We've bought cars here, for which they offer maintenance packages. And not like those BS warranties from dealers where they nickel and dime you for things they should be fixing for you, they actually do the work and do a good job. Every time we have a problem, be it oil change, mechanical, fender benders, big accidents, we always come here and we will keep coming.

  • Steph Desire

    Steph Desire


    Worst people ever! They are sexist. They tried to sell me a worn out, ridiculously high mileage car for $2500. After I waited more than one hour in their office, they finally showed me the ugliest cars they had. Without even opening it to see engines and go for a test drive, they were pressuring me to buy. Just because they think I'm a woman and I don't know anything about cars. Yes I don't know a lot about cars but I am not an idiot. STAY AWAY FROM THEM!

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