Danielle M. Serini, DC in New York

Vereinigte StaatenDanielle M. Serini, DC


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272, Slosson Avenue, 10314, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1
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Latitude: 40.61403, Longitude: -74.1170859

kommentare 5

  • Ishani G

    Ishani G


    Danielle Serini was the best chiropractor I've ever had. She always treated us like family. She was very flexible with her schedule. She genuinely cared about her patients. I'd often see her boys and husband in the office and they are the most sweetest people. If you were a patient of her, then you'd know that when you reverse from the parking lot there's a ditch...her husband came out to make sure i didn't reverse my car all the way. That's the type of people they are. For everyone who blindly left negative reviews of her should be ashamed of themselves. Karma will pay for those who did her wrong. I am just pissed off that cause of some heartless people I have to look for another chiropractor as good as Danielle.

  • Helena



    Initially I had left this woman a negative review based off an article I read depicting her as a racist psycho. Upon further research Ive learned that this woman was framed and lied on by a lunatic school crossing guard who should be in prison and not allowed around children. I'm so sorry this is happening to you Danielle. I hope you're able to get past this and your career isn't ruined. I apologize for being so quick to believe an article without researching all of the facts. All the best to you ❤

  • en

    A. Gomez


    Do your own research people. This innocent person was framed. Don't just assume that Instagram is giving you real news.

  • Jameelah Johnson

    Jameelah Johnson


    I just read the article and i was mistaken. She ruined this womens life. It was a sick lie and she needs to pay her for her business and home.

  • en



    This doctor was set-up by a crossing guard (who was constantly reporting her patients for parking tickets) who faked-racist letters saying it was the chiro who sent them to police. THIS LADY IS NOT A RACIST. Google her and you see the crossing guard was arrested and all charges were dropped against this chiropractor. Review you her as a chiropractor, not based on this fake accusation that is on Internet.

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