Daniel H Dzen D.D.S en Massapequa Park

Estados UnidosDaniel H Dzen D.D.S



🕗 horarios

801, Carmans Road, 11762, Massapequa Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-299-9496
sitio web: www.dentistinmassapequa.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.700767, Longitude: -73.433272

comentarios 5

  • Marina McGowan

    Marina McGowan


    Dr. Daniel Dzen has been my family's primary dental care physician for 10+ years, and we’ve always had a great experience. He does excellent work and is very thorough! Dr. Dzen and his staff are personable and professional, too! They make sure you are comfortable from the minute you walk through the door to the minute you leave. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the flexible office hours. The late nights and weekend schedules have been perfect for our working family. We're so glad Dr. Dzen is our family dentist! We would recommend Dr. Dzen to ANYONE looking for a new dentist.

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    the best dentists i know Always profesional and honest approach

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    Stella Crennan


    Dr. Dzen ...and his entire staff is a 10 on our scale...his compassion, his patience and professionalism is second to none...special shout to Mary and his entire staff for being most helpful and by far the friendliest group of people.👍😎

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    Robert Greubel


    My family and i have been going to Dr. Dzen's practice for routine / emergency dental procedures for many years. We have had nothing but positive experiences both on a professional and personal level. Dr. Dzen is a highly skilled dentist, coupled with a gentle and clam demeanor, plus takes all the time necessary listen to and meet your particular needs. The office staff is polite,courteous and competent and very accommodating with regards to scheduling office visits. I highly recommend this dental practice - Bob G.

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    AB Gerby


    Always a great experience at Dr. Dzen's office. Wonderful staff!

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