D' Pascual Hair Salon en New York

Estados UnidosD' Pascual Hair Salon



🕗 horarios

3, Nelson Avenue, 10308, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-948-0149
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5498782, Longitude: -74.1506799

comentarios 5

  • en

    Sangeeta De


  • en

    Evelyn Santiago


    Excellent ,been to many top notch hair places ,and none of them could give me the right hair color I was searching for ,it was until I was giving a D'Pasquale Hair Salon gift card by a good friend of mine , Christian did my hair ,what a professional hair stylist, (knew right away the color I wanted ☺ Everyone there seen very professional .!!.🌺

  • Andy Cuakk

    Andy Cuakk


  • en



  • en

    Flavia Pereira


    best hair salon I ever been to.. They are professional hair stylists who keep their techniques and products up to date.. I really enjoy going and so does my hair. When I started going to them, my hair was short, damaged from dyes and bad products.i barely had any hair whatsoever left. that's when marcela one of the owners, told me to try keratin extensions to help with volume but also to pull my hair and let it grow with the extensions.. Now after two rounds of extensions, I don't need them anymore!!! isn't that great?i will go back tomorrow to get hair cut and color on my natural hair...this is a miracle thanks to their job and care that they put to each and every costumer..i would def recommend trying them out.

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