CVS Pharmacy w North Bergen

Stany ZjednoczoneCVS Pharmacy



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7101, Tonnele Avenue, 07047, North Bergen, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-520-1702
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8018964, Longitude: -74.0219331

komentarze 3

  • en

    Erick O


    Go anywhere else. Anywhere. I'm begging you. If you go here, after the 20 minute line they will lose your Rx or something will be wrong with refills. I'm confident I can train a team of mice to run the pharmacy better. AND they would answer the phone.

  • en

    Bernadette De Leon


    First time to do this and i will give...Perfect stars for JEN....pretty in and out (she look like korean)....because cvs secaucus told me that my prescription is not cover of nj insurance and a thousand dollars that i can't afford he told me to go back to my doctor to change the prescription of my son and other prescription is not available and almost 7:30pm they need to closed came back tomorrow ( i was devastated when he told me that we discharged to the hospital at 7pm) ... the following day i try to cvs target north bergen 6/2/17 at 3:18pm to other prescription not available in secaucus cvs and the expensive pills.....Jen told me the first is not available but she can order for me if i want to came back in monday but i told her that an urgent i will try to other pharmacy and the other one only few stock and expensive but she told me i will try to help you to get discount and she called different distributor to get discount after only 10mins ...i thought i can only got 12 pills for 3 days because the money that i have....but the help of JEN i got 60 pills and i have discount card that i can use for other pharmacies if no stock to cvs pharmacy and she also put to my record same amount for refill in any cvs pharmacy so happy when i got the pills with a big big discount .....but sadly she only working that day to cvs target in north bergen she came from other cvs pharmacy .....JEN I believed i can see you again "Thank You" from the bottom of my heart....and i prayer to GOD always guide and protect you. You are GOD angels sent to people needs help.

  • en

    fatima novillo


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