CVS Pharmacy w Hempstead

Stany ZjednoczoneCVS Pharmacy



🕗 godziny otwarcia

216, Henry Street, 11550, Hempstead, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-485-8774
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7002732, Longitude: -73.6146034

komentarze 4

  • en

    Kobe Bryant


    Great team of people ,very kind and helpful

  • es

    Jonathan Linares


  • Keith McDowell

    Keith McDowell


    Nice, friendly staff. Well stock shelves. Pharmaceutical dept in the back of the store

  • en

    M S-B


    As a very loyal CVS customer (more than a decade), I'm disappointed in this new location. They used to be on Jerusalem Ave. in Hempstead and my mother & I frequented that location almost everyday! Since they moved, we encounter a different caliber of fellow customers, sometimes people outside begging for money and even once someone asked me for a ride, the pharmacy has repeatedly messed up scripts for my mother (she has a problem about once a month with them) and they messed up with me twice, there is a familiar staff but pretty much everytime I go there are new faces many who you don't see again, but there's adequate parking and I like the drive-thru feature even though it's not surprising to wait 10 minutes or so in that line, which can be the same amount you wait inside, so at least you get to sit in your car and wait! And finally, there's a certain type of pedestrian crowd over there that is 'shaky'; I left my car running with my father sitting in it once and he said 2-3 teens on bikes approached it, saw him in it, said 'no, somebody's in there' then rode off quickly. We didn't have stuff like that when on Jerusalem!

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