CVS en Bedford

Estados UnidosCVS



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601, North Industrial Boulevard, 76021, Bedford, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-283-0161
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8446444, Longitude: -97.1005894

comentarios 5

  • Christopher Sautter

    Christopher Sautter


    Good service but only went once. A more frequent customer may differ in opinion.

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    Sherry Davis


    They call and say ur script is ready but its the wrong one, my doctor calls them in and CVS claims they never got the call, for 3 days now

  • Kimberly Heinzelmann

    Kimberly Heinzelmann


    I mainly just come here to get my prescriptions filled. It's a decent CVS, very clean and spacious feeling. It isn't often busy when I'm in there. There is rarely a long line at the pharmacy and as long as your prescription is ready it doesn't take long to get it. There always seems to be a well sized staff working behind the pharmacy. I've also done the minute clinic to get updates on my shots and get a renewal on my prescriptions. Io made an appointment online in advance b it still had to wait behind walk ins on line who had signed in before I had. I feel like if you make the appointment in advance they should honor that time as much as possible. The on staff doctor was very nice though. I'm not good with shots and needles and she was very understanding and helpful.

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    Xavier Xavier


    Efficient, smooth pace at prescription counter. Friendly. Not busy at all inside, maybe 2 other people. Immediate flu shot given.

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    Ryan Gaytan


    The pharmacist is incompetent. Make sure you count your pills. He will argue with you from behind his counter in front of staff and other customers. He has zero respect for others and is absolutely unprofessional. I have taken the same medication for years while having the same insurance. I know how much my prescription will be, but he insisted that I was wrong. I have never been to a more unprofessional CVS.

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