CVS en Shirley

Estados UnidosCVS



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29, Havenwood Drive, 11967, Shirley, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-395-4108
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7609309, Longitude: -72.8709151

comentarios 5

  • john shea

    john shea


    Store is always well organized. Very clean. I never have any issues

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    Steve Dimarco


    Worst pharmacy I have ever used. Unfortunately I am forced to use CVS by my plan. Too many problems filling prescriptions; too often told prescriptions are ready and they're not, have to order medications commonly used, don't go out of their way to help like my old pharmacy did. Had to ask them to check with another CVS for my medication rather than waiting for days for the delivery. The other CVS had it and filled it in minutes. Will be transferring my prescriptions to that store and hope things improve. Now that they have merged with my insurance company, Aetna, I can only see things getting worse. In any case I'm stuck with CVS...

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    Anna Krysinska


    Waiting time could be shorter. Went there to buy few items for the baby and have experienced rather longer than usual wait time. Store is clean an organized with good selection of items.

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    Noreen Kumm-Gory


    Tried for TWO DAYS to get a prescription called in from out of state. Doctors office assured me it was called in several times, but CVS staff could not find it, and were not at all helpful or friendly, just very short, and basically immature - gave me attitude instead of trying to help. Got it done with WALGREENS no problem. THIS IS WHAT GIVES A BUSINESS A BAD NAME! We won't be shopping there for any reason. You lost my business!!

  • Dean Barker

    Dean Barker


    For the last 3 months here, 5 months between the havenwood and Montauk highway locations, these guys have made me wait 8-10 days to pick up my two monthly prescriptions, one of which I am legally required to take to operate a motor vehicle. These medications are medically necessary for to function due to injury and mental health disabilities sustained in the line of duty while I was on active duty with the U.S. Army. Without them I have seizures, pain, mental health issues, etc. Last month I asked if they could do something with my doctor so they would be in stock when I came to fill them, rather than me having to go 35 sometimes 45 days on a 28 day supply. The pharmacist told me "no" without checking then when I asked why I was told "that's how it is" and then after pointing out what happens without them to explain the urgent nature, he said "too bad it's not my problem" and walked away. I'm not on Oxycontin or any other crazy drugs like that. I am not prescribed any actual opiates at all. I take only the most minimal medications for my conditions and these people are consistently rude and borderline cruel. I am 24 years old, got injured serving in our military, and now can't support my own weight standing if it's raining, cold or I have had a seizure within 24 hours without one of these medications. They have watched me basically collapse on more than one occasion and didn't even offer to help, once more, they just walked away and told me to come back next week and see if it was ordered yet. Meanwhile I can't legally drive more than 48 hours after I stop taking the other due to a traumatic brain injury. (When I don't take that one I have frequent seizures resulting in a loss of consciousness.) For this reason, I have no way to safely get myself back there a week later. These people are horrible human beings! If my insurance would allow me to go ANYWHERE else I would. P.S. when I first came home from the Army and I was taking opiate pain medicine, they always had it, but they also always make sure you are treated like a horrible person and a drug addict. They do not understand that some people actually need these medications for some period of time and use them correctly and don't sell or abuse them. I used them until physical therapy and a few surgeries got me to where I no longer needed them, but for the whole time I was on them I was treated like an absolute loser EVERY time I picked them up and on a few occasions actually over heard the staff making comments implying that I intended to use them to party or to sell... again no mention that a 24 year old has to use a cane to hold himself upright, no mention of my service, etc. No care or consideration whatsoever!

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