CVS w New City

Stany ZjednoczoneCVS



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
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280, South Main Street, 10956, New City, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-639-8150
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.137743, Longitude: -73.9897102

komentarze 5

  • Michael Odierno

    Michael Odierno


    This has to be the worst pharmacy I’ve ever dealt with. You really need to make some changes here. The oriental pharmisist is one of the rudest people I’ve ever dealt with. What a nasty man. He shouldn’t handle customers!

  • Lully B

    Lully B


    I got completely disrespected by SOME of the people that work at the pharmacy. This asian guy in a dark blue navy uniform(sorry I don't know his name) was extremely rude and was not willing to help me at all. All I asked him to do was print out a receipt or some form of proof for medication I picked up a month before for my insurance. He gave me such a hard time. He took me around a whole circle of going back and forth with CVS & my insurance. I can tell once I approached him he didn't want to help me. He had an attitude from the start. Everyone he directed me too ended up telling me to go to back to CVS pharmacy to get the info which I already knew. I had to waste my gas and make a double trip because this guy didn't want to serve me. It was so bad that another lady working in pharmacy had to force him to do it. He asked me a bunch of questions that was irrelevant an finally printed it. Also before he printed it he made my mother and I sit down like children & said he is calling the manager because he "doesn't understand what I'm saying" At the end of the day all he had to do was type my name in the system and print out my recent purchase of the medication which took less than 1 minute after the lady told him to do it. How could you hire someone so disrespectful and rude? It's a clean store but some of the workers in pharmacy are TERRIBLE. Such attitudes they have for no reason.

  • en

    Diane Ciorla


    Do not understand the negative reviews. Live in town and frequent this location. All staff have always been courteous, knowledgeable and professional. Very helpful with photo issues as well. Staff rotates but new members (Annette, April) very pleasant. Manager Lena extremely polite and engaging. Always running around working hard too. Perhaps the customers need to b more pleasant as well !

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    Jim Kaley


    I am really looking forward to the day when these New City CVS pharmacists are replaced with robots. At least a robot can be trained to provide good service and show a little bit of compassion for severely ill patients who only want to get their medication on time. Unfortunately humans can't be retrained to be decent very easily. Horrible experience and unfortunately my insurance forces us to use CVS.

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    Nefertiti Santiago


    I am currently in my 3rd trimester and requested that a prescription be transferred to a CVS closer to me. The pharmacist or assistant with great attitude informed me to call the pharmacy and they can have it transferred over and nearly hung up before I could tell him I already called and they could not find my profile. He then said oooookkkkkaay asked me for my name and date of birth as if it was an inconvenience to correct the issue that they seemed to have caused. Then abruptly said its been taken care of call your local CVS and hung up. Last time I checked pharmacists are supposed to be friendly and helpful you may want to revisit sensitivity training for these employees.

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