CVS w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneCVS



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1812, East Charleston Boulevard, 89104, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-384-5047
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 36.157135, Longitude: -115.1247401

komentarze 5

  • en

    Roshanda Turner


    The ladies are very friendly and helpful they have great customer service

  • en

    Mark Stengel


    Friendly staff in pharmacy, helpful and dedicated to the customer's. Store is clean, well lighted and good selection of products. Large free parking well lighted for late shopping. A national chain with the small town service shoppers welcome and enjoy !

  • Domino D

    Domino D


    UPDATE: Just called the manager to complain & I was told by Britney (sp?) that they offer customers the CHOICE of leaving their bag upfront OR carry it with them in the store. I told her that is definitely NOT what the employee (Carolina) offered me whatsoever. This store is completely incompetent. ================================== Today I was told to "leave my bag at the front" by a young female named Carolina, even though I saw numerous other women with bags right in front of me and have carried mine before!! So just to clarify - I have to leave my personal belongings with a stranger because everyone ELSE steals??? That's what SECURITY CAMERAS & ANTI-THEFT DETECTORS ARE FOR, GENIUSES!! I even asked her if their security cameras were working to which she replied "yes". I then pointed out the OTHER many bags other women were carrying around me and I got NO response. What a smart gal...NOT. People have the RIGHT to carry personal shopping bags or purses with them if they wish!! They target people that look "suspicious" & I believe its because I was on the phone discussing my money situation as I was walking in so she went RIGHT for me within 10 seconds. GUESS WHAT! JUST BECAUSE I DISCUSS HOW BROKE I AM DOESN'T MEAN I'M GOING TO STEAL! MOST stores (like albertsons) don't give a s--- if you have a bag since it actually makes things EASIER for the customer so they can do all their errands & shopping! But now that I have to deal with this bull---- on the REGULAR I'll be boycotting ALL stores that enforce such an unfair & RIDICULOUS POLICY!!!

  • en

    L M


    I agree about the bad & rude service at the pharmacy. They are never busy but always quote at least an hour to fill a prescription plus they are very rude about it. On Sunday I went to pick up a refill that I had called in 5 days earlier and they told me they had restocked it because it sat for over two weeks....exaggerate much, CVS??? Then I was told it'd be an hour before they could re-do it for me even though there were 3 people working and not a single person waiting for a prescription. I will take my business elsewhere from here on out.

  • en

    Azziza Watson


    Tanya is the worst manager at this store!!! Very unhelpful, very rude, very uninformed on basic CVS policies. Instead of being manager that tries to help out customers, she loves telling you "NO". Even if she is completely wrong!!! She takes advantage of what little "authority" she has, to do and say whatever she wants. If you question her "authority", she will ban you from the store. It's hard to believe that CVS would allow a person like this to not only work at their establishment but to be a MANAGER, is simply unbelievable.

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