Custom Auto Sound by Stereo Pad w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneCustom Auto Sound by Stereo Pad



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3443, East Speedway Boulevard, 85716, Tucson, Pima County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 520-326-0551
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2365582, Longitude: -110.9191596

komentarze 5

  • en

    Toby Putman


    I've known the owner for years truly a top notch great helpful guy that will work for and with you.

  • Mikael Bayne

    Mikael Bayne


    The staff was wonderful helpful and knowledgeable had a very great experience. highly recommend to anyone who's looking for car work done this is the place to go. have already been scammed at The specialist and audio express was almost completely fed up with car audio shops in Tucson until I found this little gem.

  • James Haycraft

    James Haycraft


    This shop is unlike many car audio shops in that it is staffed with people that are actually helpful. It's rare, but much appreciated, to be told useful information. I don't need to know what Pioneer's latest head unit has as far as features go if all I am looking for is an amp install. Fast, efficient, informative retail and service.

  • en

    Maxx Brummer


    Very great shop, I came in having a small issue and Jason was more than happy to give me a few fuses to test out my equipment before I had even decided to hire him to have the rest of my stuff installed. They even charged me less than what was quoted! Now my system sounds amazing and I couldn't be happier that I used Stereo Pad. I would definitely recommend them and their products and will use them in the future.

  • en

    Mark Gegantoca


    Jason and his team are awesome! - Stereo Pad met all preferred tweaks and adjustments that I requested and it was done professionally and on schedule. Jason hooked me up with good deals in installing car stereo, backup camera and driving lights - I'm so happy with the deal that I end up buying a couple more multimedia stereo receivers and backup cameras for my other two vehicles. They even hooked up Father by making special setup for his backup camera and replacing both of his vehicle's headliner (a service that I didn't know at the time they also provide) and the team went above and beyond on behalf of my father's old but with sentimental value vehicles. Additionally Jason and his crew took some time to go over the features, tricks and tips on newly installed devices with me and my family. Kudos to Custom Auto Sounds by Stereo Pad!

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